How can I stop eating junk food?

i’m thirteen and want to loose weight i eat loads of junk and its really nice how do i not!! i really want to loose weight!! please help!!

Answer #1

try substituting it for something healthy that you like. everytime you want to eat “junk food” eat something healthy instead…idk…give it a try and let me know how it worked.

Answer #2

that last 1 helps me!

Answer #3

you should try eating salads for your meals. Like you can have a chicken salad. Or you can eat a healthy sandwich, like roastbeef, turkey, italian etc… And for snacks you can try eating baby carrots w/ dressing, cheese and crackers, popcorn without butter etc…These foods are healthy plus they are tasty and will fill you up. So find foods that are tasty but also healthy. Also you should count your calorie intake for each day. Try not to go over 1000-1200 calories a day. Also you should try eating 500 calories less each day that you would normally eat for about a week. Then repeat that again.

Answer #4

you need to start chwewing gum

Answer #5


You need to use willpower! Or simply don’t buy the junk food.

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