How do you know if something you're buying is safe?

How do you know jewelery is sterilized? If I bought the jewelery at a store are there ways I can be sure they are clean and safe? Are they sealed well? I want to buy stuff from somewhere like walmart or claire’s and not from a piercer because I don’t have tons of money.

Answer #1

they should be fine, just make sure you take them out when you get wet, otherwise they can start to turn green, and if they do you just throw them away! but they are wrapped well and should be clean. you can always sanitize them before wearing them if you want to.

Answer #2

If they aren’t sealed in plastic then it is always possible that they are contaminated like from someone sneezing on them or coughing on them. In such a case I’d consider dunking them in rubbing alcohol (the isopropyl alcohol usually found in medicine cabinets). If you don’t have any, it is relatively inexpensive to buy at Walmart, etc. That’s the same type of alcohol that medics use on your skin before giving you a shot or drawing blood.

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