How do I get rid of scabs and pimples?

I have 2 small pimple sized scabs on my face, but I have a date tomarrow! Any tips on getting rid of them in 12-14 hours?!!?!

Answer #1

Story of my life right here. They start out as regular pimples until you pop and pick at them right? First, use a basic cleanser. I use a cheap one from like cvs, but I use it to get my makeup off and stuff but you can basically use anything, something that gets your face clean and kind of soft.. I know this sounds weird but, next get a footscrub, one with rough beads, and lather it on your face for about 2-3 minutes, scrubbing the whole time. Dont scrub to hard because then it will bleed and thats not what you want. You want to get it so the lining of the scab comes off but doesnt bleed. Hope this helps!

Answer #2

good old fashioned foundation and cover up stick!

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