An issue of fairness

I do not think it would be a good idea for the Democrats to reach sixty seats in the United States Senate. If you did not know, it takes sixty votes to avoid discussion on a bill. I do not have anything against the Democratic Party. Technically, the Democrats have only fifty-five seats in the Senate right now, but the two independents caucus with the Democrats, so they have fifty-seven seats. There are three Senate races whose winners have not been determined. They are in Georgia between Republican Saxby Chambliss and Democrat Jim Martin, Minnesota between Republican Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken, and Alaska between Republican Ted Stevens and Democrat Mark Begich. If the Democrats win these seats, then they will have sixty seats in the Senate. I think that that would not be fair to Republicans. I do not think the Senate can work effectively unless everyone has a fair chance to express their point of view. Personally, I would not want Ted Stevens to be re-elected to Congress because he is a convincted felon, and I am not certain if that presents the best image for the Senate or the state of Alaska. I would be willing to accept it if it prevents the Democrats from getting sixty seats. What are your thoughts on this issue.

Answer #1

“I think that that would not be fair to Republicans.”

Awww… The poor republicans… It is just not fair that those mean old voters voted them out of control of the senate…

I think we should all send them a “thinking about you” greeting card. Maybe that will make them feel better.

Answer #2

Hang on. Obama is such a leftist that he will be opposed by even those of his own party. It hopefully will still be a “balanced” congress.

Answer #3

lol jimahl

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